
The instructions to install IJavascript are platform-dependent and very much determined by the following dependencies:


Debian and Ubuntu

The Jupyter notebook is not yet available in the Debian 8.3 and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS repositories. Instead, the IPython notebook can be installed:

sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy npm ipython ipython-notebook

Alternatively, the Jupyter notebook can be installed via pip or Anaconda.

pip installs the latest Jupyter release from the Python Package Index:

sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy npm g++ libzmq3-dev python-dev python-pip
sudo pip install --upgrade jupyter

And Anaconda provides a data science platform that distributes both Jupyter (by default) and Node.js (optionally). IJavascript can be installed in an Anaconda setup as follows:

conda install nodejs
npm install -g ijavascript

Global installation

IJavascript can be installed globally (i.e. for all users in the system) by running:

sudo npm install -g ijavascript
sudo ijsinstall --install=global

Local installation

It is also possible to install IJavascript locally, by setting the npm prefix to your home folder:

npm config set prefix ~
npm install -g ijavascript

Note that the above command will install all the IJavascript executables in the folder ~/bin/ and the ijavascript package in ~/lib/node_modules.

PPA repository

Gordon Ball has set up a PPA repository that builds deb packages for IJavascript and other Jupyter kernels:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chronitis/jupyter
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ijavascript

Older versions

To install IJavascript in older versions of Debian and Ubuntu, Node.js needs upgrading to a recent version. You can do so by running:

sudo apt-get install curl
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

The instructions for upgrading Node.js have been adapted from those found here.


Homebrew and pip can be used to install the dependencies of IJavascript in macOS:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install pkg-config node zeromq
sudo easy_install pip
pip install --upgrade pyzmq jupyter

Once the dependencies have been installed, npm can be used to install IJavascript as described above in the section for Ubuntu and Debian.

npm install -g ijavascript

Also note that the build tool node-gyp (which is part of Node.js and is used to compile native modules) requires Python 2.


Jupyter could be installed following the instructions here. I find more convenient to install a Python distribution such as Anaconda. Anaconda not only installs Jupyter and its requirements, but also a selection of frequently-used Python packages.

Node.js provides a Windows installer. However, the build tool node-gyp will not be functional unless one of the recognised C++ compilers is installed. See here for more details, here for Visual Studio Express 2012 or here for a link to Visual Studio Express 2013.


nvm is a popular Node Version Manager for users to install specific versions of Node in their own home folder. These types of installations do not require the use of sudo to install global packages, simply run:

npm install -g ijavascript

Another consideration for nvm users is that IJavascript makes use of zeromq, a native module that provides ZMQ bindings. Native modules are specific to a Node version, and thus they need reinstalling whenever the Node version changes. To do so, run:

nvm reinstall-packages


Here is a step-by-step outline of how you can install ijavascript within a conda virtual environment. If you want to install with conda, but do not care about whether ijavascript is only available within a given virtual environment, then most of these steps can be skipped.

Note that in what follows, phrases enclosed in < and > denote places where you should substitute a value appropriate to your specific setup. If you haven't already created your conda virtual environment, do so now:

conda create --name <name of new virtual environment>
conda activate <name of new virtual environment>
conda install nodejs jupyter

For conda version 4.5.4. and version 1.0.0 of the jupyter conda package, the location of Jupyter in the new virtual environment will be $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/jupyter. This motivates the following commands:

mkdir -p ./jupyter/nbdata ./conda/activate.d ./conda/deactivate.d
touch ./conda/activate.d/ ./conda/deactivate.d/

Now use a text editor to make the contents of $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d/ be the following:

export JUPYTER_DATA_DIR=$CONDA_PREFIX/etc/jupyter/nbdata
export JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR=$CONDA_PREFIX/etc/jupyter/nbconfig

and then use a text editor to make the contents of $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/deactivate.d/ be the following:


Exit and then re-enter the new virtual environment:

conda deactivate
conda activate <name of new virtual environment>

and then finally install ijavascript within the virtual environment:

npm install -g ijavascript

Now ijavascript should not only be installed in your new virtual environment, but also be accessible only from that virtual environment.


  1. In the above, one should use #!/bin/bash only if one's shell is BASH, but #!/bin/sh if one's shell is Bourne shell, or #!/bin/zsh if one's shell is ZSH, etc.
  2. Setting the value of Jupyter's configuration path (JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR) isn't strictly necessary. However it will allow you to make changes to Jupyter's settings within that virtual environment without those changes propagating outside of the environment.
  3. Exiting and re-entering the new virtual environment ensures that the script actually gets called. Otherwise, there won't be any change to the values of the environment variables, and the kernel spec of ijavascript will be installed somewhere else besides the local Jupyter config folder we created above.
  4. If you don't care about restricting ijavascript to a particular virtual environment, the following will work:
conda install nodejs
conda install jupyter
npm install -g ijavascript

Other platforms

For other platforms, instructions to install the IJavascript dependencies may be found at: